Thursday, February 26, 2009


thursday is school day. so, i took WYATT to the prison for babysitting and picked up CAYLIE. dad was unable to come up this week, so i only took one dog. once again, CAYLIE was happy and calm at school. the kids practiced the "brace" command with her...sitting on the floor and placing their weight on her shoulder to get up...they are the perfect size for her to get used to as this will be a crucial command for jack! she did great, of course. i have no complaints! after school, we met heidi at panera (no, there are no other restaurants in morgantown!) and she did very well. she got bored and stood up under the table a few times, and feigned deafness when corrected, but eventually settled into sleeping under the table. it is so amazing to see how much CAYLIE and CAMDEN are exactly like COLTY. same beauuuutiful structure, perfect disposition, and random stubborness! it is like watching him grow up all over again. heidi was nice enough to volunteer to take her back to the prison (right by her house) to save me a trip. so, she gets to sleep over at heidi's and play with her dog CHELSEA! she'll enjoy that.

heidi has decided which 3 dogs we're taking to meet alex next weekend, but i'm going to keep it a surprise a little bit longer. let's just say she chose based on how well they have responded to the laser pointer training, which is very exciting that some are picking up so readily. we can only hope this correlates with a bond next week! (alex's dog will be trained to retrieve object pointed at with a laser pointer. this will enable his parents to retrieve items while also caring for alex, because he needs to be picked up and carried so much, not leaving free hands) super super exciting!

well, one more midterm tomorrow, but it's huge. i guess i'll go "study" now : (

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